In the ancient times, knowledge was transmitted from generation to generation in the oral form as there were no means of writing and preserving the written records. Therefore, the only medium for knowledge retention was memorization through rote. The transmission of knowledge happened in the Gurukuls, where the sage (in the role of the Guru) gave sermons to be repeated verbatim by the pupils again and again till the time they became part of their memory. Understandably, the system worked very well for those times.
The advent of paper before the medieval times helped in the proliferation of writing the script and preserving the paper compilations in the forms of books more easily. Subsequently, the mechanized printing press allowed making multiple copies of these books to be sold throughout the linguistic region and later, the translated copies throughout the world. The copies of these books had to be stored in huge physical libraries in the form of buildings, meticulously racked and retrieved as and when required. People had to physically go to these libraries for reading the books or get them issued for a particular duration in their name for reading at home and subsequently, returned them to the library for others to benefit from the system. Even in these times, the memorization of the concepts remained a prominent way of learning and invigilated assessment was done to ensure that the learners are able to apply them in real-life scenarios in which the physical libraries would not be readily accessible. Assessments had to be done at regular intervals of time – quarterly, half-yearly and annually, due to capacity constraints of the teacher and the manually conducted invigilated examination system. The last few decades have been truly transformational due to the rise of information technology and the Internet. Information is literally on one’s fingertips as the computer machines can store huge amounts of data, which can be easily retrieved as and when required. In business settings, employees at all levels do not rely upon their memory for performing routine as well as specialized tasks as these machines help them on this front in myriad of ways. Children studying today will eventually work in similar and perhaps more advanced computing environments upon their employment years from now due to rapid advancements of technology. In the above “authentic” real-life pragmatic scenario, it is imperative that the learning pedagogy keeps up with the use of technology while relieving the children of the extreme pressures of memorizing by rote and give manual invigilated exams of the ancient/ medieval/ recent times. In line with this new reality, authentic learning pedagogy employs the following unique features: Online Course Content
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