2.What are the unique features of the World Curriculum? The unique features of the World Curriculum are featured here.
3.Why did Authentic Learning Academy not choose any other curriculum/ board? As Authentic Learning Academy offers its courses worldwide, it was not possible to follow the national curriculum of a particular country. Other international curricula are generally focused on serving the needs of the children of expatriates working away from their homeland in foreign countries and therefore, retain most elements of the home country/ region in their curriculum.
Therefore, Authentic Learning Academy is proud to be following the truly new “world” curriculum that has been uniquely designed and developed to suitably capture the diversity of the whole world while instilling the virtues of nonviolence, social justice, peace and harmony in the young minds.
4.Which learning platform is used by Authentic Learning Academy? Google Chrome browser is recommended for use on on laptops/ desktops/ tablets/ smartphones. Authentic Learning Academy will share a unique email (login) ID and password to each new learner/ parent to access its courses on its website to be viewed in Google Chrome.
5.How much Internet speed is required to access the App and learning platform used by Authentic Learning Academy? Commonly available data speeds like 1.5-2.0 MBps should suffice for using the App on Smart Phones as well as the learning platform on laptops/ desktops/ tablets. Since the Authentic Learning Academy’s online content is only text and image based without any videos/ live sessions, a high bandwidth Internet is not required.
6.Is there any specific time during the day that the classes will be held? The courses are available 24x7x365 on the App as well as the learning platform to be accessed by the learners worldwide according to their own convenience, in their respective time zones. There are no synchronous/ real-time lectures, thus allowing the flexibility to the learners to engage in the novel pedagogy of Authentic Learning Assessment at any time as per their convenience.
7.Is it possible for a learner to pause the course for a few days and then resume again? Yes, you can easily do that as our courses are self-paced.
8.Is it possible to complete a grade earlier than 1 year? We shall allow the “fast-tracking” the course option from mid 2023 onward, through which the learners will be able to finish a grade earlier than 1 year.
Pedagogy & Assessments
9. Are there teachers giving lectures at Authentic Learning Academy? No, our pedagogy is based upon reading the online content and taking the continual assessments. There are no teachers, no lectures, and no videos.
10. What are continual assessments in Authentic Learning Academy pedagogy? The objective of continual assessments is to ensure that the learners carefully go through the online content. The continual assessments comprise of objective-type tests based upon the online content. At the end of every test, a prompt (real-time) detailed explanation through email is provided for each wrong answer option chosen by the learner for a particular question along with the grades obtained. This way, continual assessments make the learners “learn” from their mistakes and “reinforces” their understanding.
11. Does a learner need to appear in quarterly, half-yearly and final examinations for completing a grade? As assessments are done every day in the form continual assessments, there are no quarterly, half-yearly and final examinations. A final reflective assessment is conducted at the end of a course. The cumulative score of all the continual assessments and the final reflective assessment (according to the assigned weights) is taken as the final grade obtained by a learner at the end of a course. Authentic Learning Academy assessments intentionally avoid burdening the learners with rote learning and instead enhance the joy of learning by reading.
Grades currently available for admission
12. Which grades are open for admission at Authentic Learning Academy? Grades 6, 7 , 8, 9 and 10 are open for admission.
13. Are there specific dates for starting of the session/ admission process? Enrollments are open for these grades throughout the year and a learner may commence studies any time during the year.
14. What is the plan for introducing the subsequent grades/ courses? The world curriculum for grades 11, and 12 (High School) is under development. World Curriculum is currently undertaking a study entitled “Aligning High School World Curriculum to the Expectations of the IT Industry in Silicon Valley (USA)”, which is supported by University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) and Authentic Learning Academy. World MBA for graduates and World MBA - Integrated for undergraduates has also been introduced by World Curriculum. Authentic Learning Academy promotes lifelong learning and therefore, intends to introduce various courses for learners of all age groups in the near future.
15. How much fee does Authentic Learning Academy charge? Authentic Learning Academy is committed to grant 100% scholarship (no fee charged) to the learners belonging to economically disadvantaged and distressed families throughout the world. Likewise, international migrants displaced due to wars, persecution and dire situations will be granted 100% scholarship in order to continue their education irrespective of geographical location. For rest of the learners, Authentic Learning Academy follows a nominal fee policy.
Dual Qualification
16. May I pursue my brick-n-mortar school while enrolling in Authentic Learning Academy simultaneously? Yes, as this way you will acquire dual qualification.
17. Do I need to submit “Transfer Certificate” from my previous school? No, we just need the final marks sheet of the most recently completed grade to be uploaded as a scanned copy through our admission form.
18. Do I need to take parent consent before getting enrolled in Authentic Learning Assessment? If you are less than 18 years of age, only your parent/ guardian can complete the admission form. However, this process of parental consent can be completed in 30 days. In the meantime, you can readily get access to our courses by filling the quick start form yourself available on the home page.